Meet the Team
True Leadership is the Backbone of Our Company
To provide reliable electrical solutions accompanied by unrivalled customer service.
Provide exceptional electrical solutions, focused on reliability and safety.
IPE Canada Inc. becomes the Active Power Inc. Canadian sales representatives for Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
Active Power Inc. is an industry-leading manufacturer of Static UPS and Flywheel products manufactured in Texas, USA.
Started engineering division, specializing in:
Started high and low voltage division – Specializing in the maintenance, testing, repair, and retrofit (where applicable) of:
IPE Canada Inc. becomes the Piller Inc. Canadian sales representatives for Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
IPE Canada Inc. becomes a Canada-wide service representative for Power Distribution Inc. (PDI)
Incorporated as IPE Canada Inc.
Founded Intelligent Power Engineering Canada – Specializing in Electrical procedure writing
And the maintenance, testing, and repair of:
And Thermographic inspection (IR scan)